We are very pleased to feature Australian NVC News & Events on this website.
International NVC trainers can also advertise their Australian-based offerings.*
To appear on nvcaustralia.com:
In order for you and /or your trainings to appear on the NVC Australia website, or to place an ad on the homepage, you will need to have a current registration. To apply for Registration click here.
Cost of Registration:
Annual Registration includes
- Bio page and
- Training Listing(s)
$60 per annum (or $30 if registering after 1 January; thereafter $60 p.a.)
Registration fees cover the period 1 July to 30 June and will be need to be renewed each 1 July.
For more information on what is included in Registration, click here.
Cost of Single Homepage Ad:
$130 for 6 months / $220 for 1 year
To Place Homepage Ad:
- Become registered on nvcaustralia.com (above)
- Once registered; Log in, go to 'Advertisements', and follow the instructions.
Non-NVC Activities:
Advertising of ‘non-NVC’ activities are not supported on this site.
- Activities that are a direct application of NVC - such as Dominic Barter's Restorative Circles
and that are advertised / listed as such are appropriate. - Activities that incorporate NVC into another practice and/or do not directly refer to NVC may not be listed.
International NVC Trainers:
* As this is an NVC Australia website, we wish to support clarity for website visitors by only hosting trainers who are physically in Australia. Therefore your Bio will be taken down upon expiration of your last training unless:
- You intend remaining in Australia after that date; Or
- If your next training is less than 3 months away (allowing for up to 3 months advertising lead time).
If either is the case, please notify nvcaustralia.com, including how long you intend remaining after that date.
If you plan to re-enter the country for additional training(s) within your current 1 July to 30 June Registration, and your Bio has been unpublished, you will need email us to re-activate your Registration.
If you need any support with Registering or Placing an Ad, please email us.