Alex Norman CNVC Certified Trainer

One of my favorite things to do is connect with people. I especially love connecting with people who are curious and open to learning, playing, and discovering new ways to communicate more honestly, effectively, and compassionately. So a big enthusiastic ‘Hello’ to you and thanks for your interest in me, and in the practice of Nonviolent Communication.
Since arriving in Australia from the Uk in 2000, I have had a very colorful career as a Circus artist, Musician, Kids Entertainer/educator, and Lifeline volunteer. I am now delighted to add to this repertoire my certification with The Centre for Nonviolent Communication and am humbled by the company of this reputable tribe of global peacemakers.
Currently living on the Central Coast NSW with my 18-year-old daughter, I run regular foundation trainings and integration groups as well supporting members of Narara Eco Village to activate an NVC community here, so please don’t hesitate to contact me if you’re a local!
On a personal note, since discovering NVC in 2010, and applying it’s principles and practices to my ‘every day’ (as well as the ‘big stuff’ ), I have found life to be sooooo much more wonderful. Probably of most significance, is the wildly liberating realisation of the choice available to me in every moment, to speak, act and respond in ways that are congruent with my values, without waiting for others to change first. What freedom! Inevitably this means that I get to make other peoples lives more wonderful too and I celebrate the infectious ripple effect of choosing compassion in the world around me.
I would be delighted to hear from you and support you on your journey in learning and integrating NVC into your life.
Beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing there is a field. ….I’ll meet you there …
Contact Details
Mobile: +61 425 329089
Trainings offered by Alex Norman
My trainings – Mind the Gap! – are fun, dynamic and inclusive. I run foundation weekends, parenting groups, practice groups, special one day advanced trainings and one on one coaching via zoom on line.
The name : Mind the Gap! was inspired by this quote by Victor Frankl ( Holocaust survivor).
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
This sums up for me what NVC is all about: Learning to respond to life, instead of reacting to it. We begin this shift by growing our awareness around the habits of violence and blame we have inherited, and learning a new way to communicate that is much more in alignment with our compassionate natures:
- Come and discover with me how to listen and speak in a way that defuses conflict and transform it into solutions that work for everyone.
- Learn how to create a respectful and harmonious family environment, without being authoritarian or a pushover.
- Get support to gain awareness and empowerment around habitual thoughts that lead to anxiety, depression or anger.
- Be inspired on how to improve co-operation and trust in the work place, through empathy and honesty.
NVC has been practiced around the world for decades and it really works! I look forward to working with you, sharing the gifts of a compassionate consciousness with you and helping you make life more enjoyable for you and those around you.
Private sessions
“Your challenge is not to keep trying to repair what was damaged…. Your practice is to reawaken what is already wise and whole within you.…”
Wayne Muller
I love coaching privately with NVC because it is a very collaborative approach. It involves empowering YOU by listening and clarifying what matters most- and then tapping into your own inner wisdom and resources. Through this process, we can then create doable strategies to meet your needs, which allows your outer and inner world to move into more alignment. The results of working in this way are tremendously fulfilling, if not transformative!
You will also learn and integrate Compassionate Communication skills/tools along the way, to give you the support you need ongoing, to care for yourself, no matter what issue or situation you are facing.
Sessions last for 45 minutes – 1 hour and can be done over the phone, in person or on Skype/zoom.
Your first 30-minute session is free in order to figure out if this style of coaching is for you and whether we want to work together. From there, we can create a plan that suits you. Clients often choose a ‘6-week package’, where we create a focus/ goal and then work progressively towards that over a few months.
Alexandra is a passionate NVC trainer. She runs engaging workshops, offers private online coaching and is in the final stages of becoming a certified EFT couples therapist. Specialising : Parenting, ‘liberation from shame’ and couple therapy.
Beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing there is a field. ….I’ll meet you there RUMI
I am currently in the final stages of becoming certified as an EFT couples therapist.
Mediation with EFT and NVC supports you in finding the field beyond wrongdoing and right-doing: where empathy, connection, clarity, and new ideas for movement forward can happen. Even one session can create amazing shifts. Several sessions can equip you with the tools you need to mediate yourselves and render your mediator redundant.
Call me to chat about how mediation with NVC might support your relationship. 0425 329089