Alistair McKinnon CNVC Certified Trainer

For more than 30 years I have engaged in intensive personal development and spiritual inquiry and have, over those years, run training programs in relationships, parenting, meditation, and leadership. These trainings share the same essence: exploring how people connect to others and themselves in the heart. This has been my passion.
In 2010 it was with great joy that I discovered Compassionate Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and in particular the power of empathy to dissolve the perceived separateness between myself and others. For me, NVC provided a bridge to close the gap between my inner experience and how I related to others in the world and I found that I could foster connection and love in a practical way.
In 2013, I trained with 3 of Australia’s certified trainers before becoming certified in 2017. I have trained internationally with the late Robert Gonzales in a week-long program and have attended two 9-day International Intensive Trainings including one in Bali in 2018. I have also attended a 5-day training in mediation using NVC by a Swedish certified trainer, Liv Larsson. I’m currently involved in the back-end of helping to develop the NVC community in Australia in service to NVC becoming more widely known here.
I now live in the Byron Bay area in NSW and do most of my work on Zoom – coaching and therapy for individuals and couples.
My love and joy is to explore with participants how to access Presence to support connection with self and with others.
I offer:
- One-on-one private coaching or therapy sessions in person and via Zoom, and
- Sessions for couples experiencing relationship strain.
- NVC trainings – foundation level or advanced by request.
Some comments from a participant at a Foundation Training:
“I found NVC to be a really powerful tool for connecting back with myself and with what is actually happening. I found that it takes me back directly into my experience and allows me to come into the clarity, simplicity and ‘truth’ that I’ve been seeking for some time when trying to work through tangled situations, feelings etc
I enjoyed and felt completely comfortable in your facilitation, Alistair. I wanted to try NVC with you because I know you have a complete commitment to truth and would not try to push ideas or views onto anyone. I also found that you were completely confident and fluent in the application of NVC and I found your input really valuable in the exercises we did.” (I.L. Legal Secretary – Melbourne)
Some comments from a coachee:
“Alistair has been my coach during the NVC journey and what a difference it makes. I tend to be very emotional, sensitive and over-think a lot, so Alistair’s skill set was perfect for me. He has a very calm, attentive and gentle way about him, gradually helping me bring the focus back to myself and back to my body, so that I can better self-regulate. I have felt safe enough in our calls to show all of my shadow side in order to get to what is really needing to be heard. His non-judgment and ability to be clear are indications to me of his commitment to his own work and awareness, and that’s important in a coach. Highly recommended.”
Robyn – Parent, Homemaker and Investor
Some comments from a couple who have completed some sessions with me:
“My wife and I were at a critical point, unable to communicate together to come to any resolution. I found Alistair & we connected, and within a few sessions there was a big shift in our relationship. We began to listen better, communicate better and understand each other. I am very grateful for Alistair’s guidance, the processes and exercises he recommended worked a treat. As a couple we continue to embrace these exercises and processes to continue to deepen our connection & understanding.
There is no doubt, Alistair was a pivotal part in our continued happiness as a couple.”
Sunil – Business Owner
Contact Details
Telephone: 0412 988 844
Mobile: 0412 988 844
Trainings offered by Alistair McKinnon
I have a webpage that shares a little more about NVC. See
“Loving Together” – for Couples, is a six-hour program for couples looking to develop a more loving intimate connection and who like the idea of an intensive. For more information see
Private sessions
My main focus is to support people to enjoy their relationships, whether at home with an intimate partner, with children, at work or in organisations.
I do this by helping them to understand where disconnection is created and how they can develop their capacities to not just stop the disconnection but to find ways to build and foster the quality and depth of connection.
I work with couples who know they love each other but they have difficulty enjoying a fullfilling relationship.
I offer private sessions to individuals needing support in their relationships or in preparing for relationship.
I help couples who know there is love there between them but it’s not working. Disconnection can happen so easily and I love exploring new ways to help them deepen intimacy and connection.
In addition to NVC I offer Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, Somatic Mindfulness Psychotherapy – the Hakomi method, and Chi for Two Embodiment Coaching.