Glyn Conlon CNVC Certified Trainer

Glyn has 20 years experience in the personal development field and is an Internationally Certified Trainer with the Centre for Nonviolent Communication (Compassionate Communication), Workplace and Assessment trainer, Personal Fitness and Nutrition trainer and Nationally accredited Mediator (NMAS) and NVC Mediator.
Glyn’s passion for how we traditionally communicate and understanding different cultures has led to working with Corporate leaders in private and group coaching. Glyn uses a practical, simple, learnable and powerfully transformative communication model to apply in any interaction – business, family or friends. She has used this technique herself and empowered clients, to overcome hurdles in business, raising teenagers and divorce.
Instagram : glyn_conlon_keystoneskills
Contact Details
Telephone: 0406 930 699
Mobile: 0406 930 699
Trainings offered by Glyn Conlon
FREE Practice Group- ONLINE
Learning, practicing and an Empathy recharge for any learning stage, particularly beginners in NVC or for those with no experience. All Welcome.
The meetings use Zoom online conferencing platform and is very easy to download and use.
Free to dial in using any device.
First Tuesday of each month 10:30am-12 midday
Please register here:
Warm wishes
For more information, visit the NVC Practice Groups page under ‘Sydney > Northern Sydney’
Private sessions Coaching Sessions 30 minutes
Private sessions 1-1.5 hours offered outside traditional business hours for the busy professionals/parent. Face to face or via Zoom. I will give you my private meeting room link.
Mediation 2 or more people-face to face or via zoom or phone
Online program-coming soon
I am available Monday-Friday and Saturday mornings.
Please book here for a free 15 minute chat to understand your specific needs.
P: 0406 930 699
I would enjoy connecting with you on Social Media the links are below.
You can follow too for vital communication tips.
Speaking, Facilitation, Mental Health, Stress, NVC Mediation, NVC Presentations, Introduction to NVC, Leadership, Connecting Families, Couples, Mindset and Manifestation
I’m in awe of when two people have the courage to come together and want to talk despite differences and sometimes thinking that there is no use meeting again. They are brave enough to show up and try.
Supported Conversations
What happens in a supported conversation?
Mediation has many forms, techniques and applications. Some forms include methods where parties are directed and advised towards solutions. Other forms include supporting party driven choices – (rather than lawyer based) and recognition of each other’s needs and interests.
Glyn welcomes you to walk in with openness and creates a safe environment without judgement.
The training and experience Glyn has with Compassionate Communication style of Mediation fits within the mode of transformative Mediation where there is no pressure to come up with solutions. Space is provided for them to surface naturally as connection and mutual understanding is created.
Often when we talk with each other about things that are important and sometimes; painful, it seems like we can do it on our own and it should be simple, although, without skills, we rarely have the experience of feeling fully heard or understood. To have the experience of feeling sufficiently heard and understood is one of the most important contributing factors to clear and respectful communication and does not require us to agree with each other.
I look forward to hearing from you and welcome any questions any time.
Warm wishes
What ‘goes down’, always comes up
Glyn Conlon
Conflict Resolution | Supported Conversations | Relationship support M: 0406 930 699
Drop me a line via email and we can set a time that works for you Email:
or book an appointment for a free 15 minute chat by clicking here and then selecting an appointment time. We can have a brief chat about your specific needs.