Who Are We?

This website represents a growing community of trainers and supporters of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) committed to teaching and creating Nonviolent Communication awareness throughout Australia and neighbouring regions.
This community is an informal arrangement of people making individual offerings, and individually holding legal responsibility for their own offerings.
It includes volunteers giving freely and joyfully, time and energy to this vision.
Others are enjoying contributing to sharing this work and supporting and sustaining themselves financially as independent business entities.
The website is auspiced by C2Ci which is a registered not-for-profit incorporated association in Queensland.
C2Ci owns the business name Nonviolent Communication Australia.
The organisation is managed by:
Cate Crombie, President: https://www.metacommunicate.com/about-cate
Nicole Morton, Secretary: secretary.c2ci@gmail.com
Alistair McKinnon, Treasurer: https://www.consciousdirections.com.au/about-alistair-mckinnon
Elizabeth Borland: e.empowering.options@gmail.com
Chris Gillett: christinegillett@gmail.com
Be part of the Nonviolent Communication community in Australia and help bring our vision into being. Together we can connect, share information, experience & support, and grow NVC in our communities.
Member benefits include: discounts on Communicate2Connect Inc (C2Ci) trainings and events; discounts on trainings and resources by Robin Clayfield; NVC community life, being part of a community of practice; and more as we develop & grow together.
Our membership fees will:
- foster & build communities of NVC practitioners in Australia.
- share information & experience.
- provide a voice for practitioners of NVC.
- provide information about practice groups.
- support trainers and those pursuing certification
- support both Australian and international trainers to offer NVC training in Australia.
- increase the number and diversity of NVC training & events in Australia.
- organise IITs, regional and local NVC gatherings & events.
- enhance growth and learning for experienced and new people on the NVC pathway, through developing programs that reflect our vision and the joint members’ intentions for the community.
- provide a legal structure for scholarships, micro-finance and support for people unable to afford costs to attend NVC training & events.
- enable greater partnership and shared visioning.
- enable us to apply for funding for more ambitious NVC projects e.g. Teachers Empathy Hotline, NVC in Indigenous Communities & organisations, active support for new Practice Groups
- provide accountability and structure to enable the growth of NVC in our communities.
Please join us and help grow Nonviolent Communication in our communities – help bring into being “a world where all needs matter, all life flourishes”.
Please check out our no-interest loans and grants here